Friday, June 23, 2006

I'm not really sure what the picture is for, but enjoy.

Anyway, now for my news...

I have recently made the decision to move to Philadelphia. I have been in Providence for 6 years now and it is now time for me to leave. I've enjoyed my time, but I need to gain a new perspective.

I also miss my family.

Also, Philly fucking rocks.

So this is the tentative plan:

    • For the next two months I will remain in the town that has been so good to me and I will be saving as much money as possible. This means I will be drinking pretty much only at the Wickenden Pub. My BBQ's will be strictly pot-luck style; if you want to eat you have to bring food.
    • In addition to this I will be looking for any extra work I can get. I probably would sell my kidney for $500. No questions.
    • Come August 24th I will be actually moving. "Hey Mom and Dad! Here I come."
    • I will be looking for a place pretty hard-core starting August 1st.
    • Starting August 31st (my birthday, motha'-fuckas') there will be an open invitation to my family beach house located at 3535 Asbury Ave. in Ocean City, New Jersey. Please come

This is the plan. Please help me out.

It's true. I now have a blog. People from all over the world can now do what only my friends have had the pleasure of doing - not listen to me.

Fair enough. I can accept it. I can be strong. And, in actuality, I'm only really doing this out of spite. I need to beat Toby at his own game.

Seriously, fuck that guy.

Anyhow, welcome to my adequate blog. ~adequate~